Saturday, July 31, 2010
word mark logos
several of the above designs came from
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
the greatest inventions of all time
here's a list of my favorite inventions of all time...some of my buds who happened to be around when i picked them were incredulous that i didn't chose things like “hammer” so i could build a house (i decided that wasn't so important because a house can be woven from thatch or something) or the ever important “toaster”, right or wrong these are my most loved inventions
number 1 on my list...written language
number’s, when are they going to release this thing for home use?
number 3...sailing...there's just something about the ocean...i really think i was named name means ‘guardian of the sea’
number 4...or this could really be 3b...modern scuba diving...the most sublime activity humans can participate in
number 5...or is it 4?...anyways, what did people do before you could capture an image just as it is? cave painting, really?
number 6...maybe 5...mmm, cars *swoon*
number 7/6...tea...what a happy accident
okay, time to clarify the numbers...this one is definitively 7b...herbs and spices...if you don't appreciate proper seasoning of food, go live in london for a'll understand how important a little seasoning is
number 8...karaoke...though this invention is a double edge wonderfully fun as karaoke is, the first time you hear some tone deaf alto try to sing celine dion you start to wonder if it's a good idea after all
number 9...tivo...never care when a show comes on again
number 10...the, i don't have one yet...but it's the evolution of the e-reader and the tablet pc...i so need one
i had an irresistible urge to put this picture first for no apparent reason
lemon drinks are tasty...i think i may use this adjective too much when talking about lemons!
a lemon emigrant...i assume it's a type of butterfly (not moth) but i'm not an expert
lemon sharks like tropical waters...think caribbean and pacific islands
two very tasty looking lemon desserts
a lemon bar buffet
lemon flower
lemon zest
lemon heart
lemon citrine
wtf?!? mutant lemon!
love the evil grin
cool lemon
scary little knit lemon
lemon sniffy stickers
lemon battery
guess this guy wasn't happy with his ipod
never heard of this before...but it looks tasty